智能并行多频段动态处理器 Leapwing Audio DynOne 3.2 x64

Leapwing Audio DynOne 3.2 x64

DynOne 3是一种多频段并行处理器,具有最新开发的算法和用于最先进处理的滤波器。 DynOne 3并没有压制音频材料的动态,而是提升了低级细节。多频带并行处理适用于任何流派的音乐或任何专业音频情况,在这些情况下,低级的细节往往会在程序或混音中丢失。此外,我们的DynOne 3多频段处理功能使您可以通过调整每个频段的电平来调整素材的音调,而无需牺牲音乐或程序中的原始动态。

DynOne 3算法具有正常和并行压缩功能。此外,新扩展的控制部分在微调通道链接方面提供了更大的灵活性,包括检测电路中的RMS /峰值控制,单频段或全频段加权以及每个频段的程序相关动态处理。例如,当用于单一来源时,DynOne可以为您的脚鼓或小军鼓提供更大的力度。普通模式非常适合驯服特定乐器或频率范围。例如:您想要在较小的扬声器上更好地翻译音乐,这可以通过与高端和低端相比,在信号的中频上施加稍高的压缩来实现。

DynOne 3做到了无缝无缝。在完全混合模式下以并行模式工作时,用户可以选择使用取决于程序的起音和释放时间(最小和最大),并具有高级控件,例如RMS /峰值检测以及单频带或全频带加权。通过此过程,您可以塑造音乐的音调平衡,使您能够为音乐添加更多的主体,建立更多的脸部表情并呈现出声音混合效果。DynOne 3是用于此目的的理想工具,同时保持音轨的瞬变和整体动态不变。

Leapwing Audio announces DynOne 3. We’re really pleased to announce a major new FREE update for DynOne. DynOne 3 has been redesigned from the ground up. Even though DynOne v2 won awards, we felt we could do even better, and by gathering feedback from all of you, we developed some amazing new features that we hope you will love.

And now, what are some of the new features?
● Variable crossover frequencies and slope
The all-new DynOne 3 gives you the ability to change the crossover frequencies between the different bands. This change was a massive undertaking since the bands were always designed to compensate for each other. We also added the possibility to toggle between the default ‘gentle’ slope and the added ‘steep’ slope between the different bands.

● All-new proprietary Center-Side Mode
We often get asked by our DynOne users to include MS options. While designing DynOne 3, we soon realized we were not satisfied with the artefacts when experimenting with MS. So, we came up with the Center-Side mode (based on our very own CenterOne algorithm). This new feature allows you to process the sound information in the center of the stereo image separately from the sides.

● Ability to use between 1 and 5 processing bands
DynOne 3 gives you the ability to disable individual bands! With this new feature, you now have the option to effectively use 1 band for full-band compression, 3 bands for overall tone shaping, or the default 5 bands for typical DynOne usage. Giving you more flexibility!

● All new resizable Retina GUI for improved ergonomics
We designed the DynOne 3 GUI from the ground up with an improved layout and fully resizable high-resolution User Interface. This new UI makes you work significantly faster while maintaining our clean and intuitive signature design.

● Master Quality mode
Next to Low Latency and Ultra Quality modes, you’re now able to toggle a third mode for absolute best processing quality. If CPU load is too high, you can opt to only use this mode for offline processing, or bouncing.

● DXD support
Whereas DynOne v2 was limited to a sample rate of 192kHz, DynOne 3 is able to process up to 384kHz if your DAW and audio interface support it.

● Individual plugin outputs per band
This new feature gives the ability to process any of our filtered bands separately for extra flexibility.

Platform: WiN64 – VST/VST3/AAX(MODiFiED)

Home page:https://www.leapwingaudio.com

宸音编曲网 » 智能并行多频段动态处理器 Leapwing Audio DynOne 3.2 x64



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