XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Complete v2.1.7-R2R

团队 R2R | 2018 年 1 月 1 日 | 9.20GB

Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection
Addictive Drums 2. 满载所有扩展
所有专业演奏的 MIDI

Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection 是为需要完整套装的专业人士而设计的。这个包消除了 AD2 的猜测工作,并为您提供了所有令人惊叹的架子鼓、所有专业演奏的 MIDI 内容、所有专业套件扩展以及每一个预设。如果你想要这一切,这是给你的。

Team R2R | 01 Jan 2018 | 9.20GB

Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection
Addictive Drums 2. Fully loaded with ALL expansions
ALL amazing drum kits
ALL professionally-played MIDI
ALL kitpiece expansions

Addictive Drums 2: Complete Collection is for professionals that want the total package. This package takes the guess work out of AD2 and gives you all the amazing drum kits, all the professionally played MIDI content, all the specialty kit piece expansions, and every single preset. If you want it all, this is for you.

宸音编曲网 » XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Complete v2.1.7-R2R



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