中国巴乌 Evolution Series World Colors Bawu KONTAKT
Evolution Series World Colors Bawu KONTAKT
KONTAKT | 20/10/2021 | 509 MB
巴乌是中国的管乐器。 虽然形状像长笛,但实际上是一种自由簧片乐器,只有一根金属簧片。 它以横向(水平)方式播放。 它具有纯净的单簧管般的音色,其演奏技巧结合了大量装饰,尤其是弯曲音调。
巴乌具有清晰的单簧管般的音色,其演奏技巧涉及大量装饰,尤其是弯音。 该乐器还与中国西南部的苗族、彝族、哈尼族等少数民族文化密切相关。 它通常用作独奏乐器,经常出现在电影配乐中; 有时也会在流行音乐录音中听到。
The bawu is a Chinese wind instrument. Although shaped like a flute, it is actually a free reed instrument, with a single metal reed. It is played in a transverse (horizontal) manner. It has a pure, clarinet-like timbre and its playing technique incorporates the use of much ornamentation, particularly bending tones.
Bawu has a clear, clarinet-like timbre, and its playing technique involves the use of a large number of decorations, especially bending tones. The instrument is also closely associated with Hmong, Yi, Hani and other minority cultures in southwestern China. It is typically used as a solo instrument, and is often featured in film scores; it is sometimes also heard in popular music recordings.
Although the bawu is still predominantly performed in China, it has in recent years been adopted by European composers and performers.
Working with NI Kontakt Player v6.5.3 and higher!
请使用 NI Kontakt Player v6.5.3 及更高版本打开!
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