并行动态均衡器 TDR Nova GE v2.1.5 WiN, MacOS
TDR Nova GE v2.1.5 WiN, MacOS
NOVA GE 是一个并行动态均衡器。该插件出现在熟悉的参数均衡器布局中,还包括灵活的动态处理选项,允许覆盖范围非常广泛的应用程序。无论是缺乏密度的大师,要求更多清脆度的鼓巴士,还是您完美拍摄中的咝咝声问题:NOVA 都有优雅的音乐答案。
NOVA GE 总共包括六个动态均衡器频段,每个频段都有独立的动态处理,范围从向下压缩到向上压缩、向上扩展、向上扩展(包括门控)。在强大的高通和低通滤波器的两侧,处理器涵盖了广泛的任务:
- 参数均衡
- 动态均衡
- 频率选择性压缩/扩展
- 多频段压缩/扩展
- 宽带压缩/扩展
- 此外,先进的“智能操作”面板提供了一种独特的方式来自动化和编排插件,以实现频谱匹配、共振消除等。
用户友好的 WYSIWYG 拖放显示与经典的“旋钮”界面相结合,可以快速流畅地访问驱动 NOVA 强大信号处理的各种参数。精心设计的等响度功能有助于找到最佳设置,而不会因响度差异而分心。
NOVA GE 还具有您在 TDR 插件中所期望的所有帮助程序和工作流程增强功能:预设管理器、撤消/重做、A/B、详细文档、复制和粘贴等等。
NOVA GE is a parallel dynamic equalizer. Appearing in the familiar layout of a parametric equalizer, the plugin also includes flexible dynamics processing options allowing the coverage of an impressively wide range of applications. Be it a master lacking density, the drum bus asking for more crispiness, or a sibilance problem in your perfect take: NOVA has an elegant musical answer.
NOVA GE includes a total of six dynamic EQ bands, each with independent dynamics processing ranging from downward compression over upward compression, upward expansion, up to downward expansion (incl. gating). Flanked by powerful highpass and lowpass filters, the processor covers a wide range of tasks:
– Parametric equalization
– Dynamic equalization
– Frequency selective compression/expansion
– Multiband compression/expansion
– Wideband compression/expansion
– In addition, an advanced “Smart Operation” panel offers a unique way of automating and orchestrating the plugin for spectral matching, resonance removal and much more.
A user-friendly WYSIWYG drag and drop display paired with a classic “knob” interface gives quick and smooth access to the various parameters driving NOVA’s powerful signal processing. Elaborate equal loudness functions help finding the optimal setting without getting distracted by loudness differences.
NOVA GE also features all helpers and workflow enhancements you’ve come to expect in a TDR plugin: A preset manager, undo/redo, A/B, detailed documentation, copy & paste, and much more.
Note: The product video bellow does not reflect the latest version of the plugin.
Home Page – https://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-nova-ge/